Primary Function:
To maintain the current membership roster of the Club and to facilitate the addition of new members and the changes in membership status of current members.
Functional Tasks:
- Maintain a current and accurate list of all Club members in each membership category.
- Coordinate the process of introducing prospective members to the Club:
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- Enlist a current member to offer the prospective member a ride to her first two meetings and to act as a mentor or “club buddy”, introducing her to other members during those meetings.
- Obtain a bio from the prospective member and lead the process of approval through the Executive Board and the Club.
- Extend an offer of membership and request a letter of acceptance and payment of initiation fee and pro-rated dues.
- Invite member to her first meeting as a member, read her acceptance letter to the Club, distribute an update to the yearbook, and give the new member a membership packet and a small plant.
- Lead the process of offering membership to a prospective member, as proscribed in the Standard Practices of the Club.
- Present any requests for membership status change by current members to the Executive Board for approval, followed by presentation to the Club for approval.
- Acknowledge member anniversaries at the 10 years, 20 years and every 5 years after that
- Obtain GCI VIP pins for those celebrating 25 years of active membership in the club and present these to those members
Universal Tasks Expected of All Executive Board Members:
- Meet with the member who previously held your role to better understand the responsibilities of the job, tasks required to fulfil those responsibilities, and a timeline for those tasks. The member previously holding the role should also share insights she has gained from her experience and any suggestions that she has for improving the job done in the future.
- Obtain records and materials related to your position from your predecessor. Review these and store them for future use.
- Make sure that any information which needs to be included in the annual Yearbook is finalized and given to the Yearbook Chairman in accordance with her schedule.
- Critically review current practices to identify opportunities to improve efficiency, clarify communications, and reduce costs.
- If you would like to make changes to current practices, contact the Club President to determine if Board approval is necessary.
- Keep receipts for your expenses and stay within the approved budget for your function.
- Ask the Corresponding Secretary to include any special information needed for the next meeting in her meeting reminder to all members.
- Prepare a report documenting your tasks and accomplishments for the year. These reports are due in April of each year.
- Attend Board Meetings arranged by the President.
- Respond in a timely fashion on all votes required.
- Address membership issues and status request changes as they arise.
- Follow-up with those showing interest in joining the Club on a timely basis and follow the prospective member tasks as proscribed.
- Acknowledge members celebrating anniversaries of 10 years, 20 years and every 5 years after that
- Present GCI VIP pins to those celebrating 25 years of active membership in the club
Spring 2020