Horticulture Report – October 2015

CaptureAnnual and Perennial Care

After a killing frost, remove annual plant material from your garden and add it to your compost heap. Any soilless mix from window boxes or containers can be discarded or kept aside for one more year. If used for a second year, mix equal parts old mix with fresh soilless mix. Clean and sterilize containers before storing over winter. Do not mulch your perennial garden area until the ground has frozen hard later in November. Continue reading “Horticulture Report – October 2015”

Hydrangea Decorations

At out October meeting Cheryl demonstrated her Horticulture Tip of the Month: using dried hydrangeas for seasonal home decoration.

Horticulture Report – September 2015


Tree & Schrub Care: Wait until trees and shrubs drop their leaves or undergo color change before planting them or digging and moving them to new sites. At that time they are entering dormancy and will not suffer as much transplant shock when moved.

Broadleaved and needled evergreens, both dwarf and standard, are best planted or moved by October 1. Water deeply and thoroughly at planting time and each week up until the ground freezes. Continue reading “Horticulture Report – September 2015”

Libray Flowers

If you are at the Wheaton Public Library this week, stop by the check out desk and see the latest flower arrangement provided by Wheaton Garden Club members.image