Cheryl’s Horticulture Tip of the Month

image“Marvel Meal,” a mixture of peanut butter and other items, is fun to make and is a favorite of chickadees, titmice, wrens, and even bluebirds. It can be pressed into the holes of a log feeder or smeared directly onto the bark of trees. It also can be frozen into blocks and put in a suet feeder or sliced into chunks and placed on a feeder tray.
Recipe for Marvel Meal
• 1 cup peanut butter
• 1 cup vegetable shortening
• 4 cups cornmeal
• 1 cup flour
• 1 handful of sunflower seeds (optional)

Horticulture Report – January 2016

February is National Bird Feeding Month
On February 23, 1994, Congressman John Porter from Illinois, read the following resolution into the Congressional Record proclaiming February as National Bird Feeding Month:
“Mr. Speaker, I would like to recognize February, one of the most difficult months in the United States for wild birds, as National Bird-Feeding Month. During this month, individuals are encouraged to provide food, water, and shelter to help wild birds survive. Continue reading “Horticulture Report – January 2016”