Holiday Luncheon
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Today we enjoyed our annual Holiday Luncheon, with a Floral Design Symposium featuring Kathy Rose.
Horticulture Report – December 2017
I know that just about the last thing on anyone’s mind in December is gardening, no matter where you live. But just in case you need to get outdoors to clear your head of all those lists and too much eggnog, here are a few garden chores that can be done now, without taking too much time from your festivities. And if you’re lucky enough to have plenty of evergreens and berries in your yard, now if a good time to prune and to have them do double duty as decorations.
This year, consider purchasing a living Christmas tree for your home. They really aren’t that much more expensive than a cut tree. This is an excellent way to improve your landscape, and at the same time, save a tree. Before bringing a living tree into the house, Continue reading “Horticulture Report – December 2017”
‘’See America” Flower Show a Success!
Flower Show 2017
Please join us as Wheaton Garden Club presents See America a Standard Flower Show at the Wheaton Public Library, 255 N Cross Street, Wheaton, IL, Thursday, October 5, 12:30 – 9:00 pm, and Friday, October 6, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm. Admission is free.
Horticulture Report – September 2017
Perennials, annuals, and bulbs
During the fall months of September, October and November, after soil temperature drops below 60°F., the bulbs of spring – flowering tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, scilla, dwarf irises, Anemone, and crocus should be planted. Select healthy, disease free bulbs. Add Bone meal or Bulb fertilizer into the planting hole, as you prepare the soil.
Winter pansies, flowering kale, flowering cabbage, and fall mums may be planted now, to give a little color to the garden when the summer flowers have faded away. Continue reading “Horticulture Report – September 2017”
Metropolitan Family Services Fall 2017
These lovely fall planters were created by our members Gerri and Karen, for Metropolitan Family Services.
Fall wildflowers

Monarch Waystation Program
Here is the link for info on Monarch Butterfly Way Station requirements and an application form. You can register online or print out the application:
Here is a link for a listing of registered way stations, which can be filtered by city.:
Plant Sale Pick Up
Its time to pick up your plants at the plant sale!